As I prepare to launch a series of blog articles which include audio files of me reading my own writing out loud. I felt that one of my free writing exercises would be a great way to open the project on soundcloud.
This is a free-writing exercise I completed in my hand written journal.
Is writing just a purge of the thinking mind? Since being is an experiential state which cannot be told nor taught through words, what role does my mind and use of language have in my spiritual development? Obviously reading and pondering have aided in my quest to know, which as I write this it dawns on me that a better description is my quest to see. See or know what? The truth is a common descriptor. Yet something deeper lies at the heart of the seeker. It is less of a desire for something, and more of a loving curiosity toward all that is, is not and has the potential to be.
There is comfort in the unspoken spaces between poetry lines. A resonance in the irony of a comedians jokes. Something weaving through musical chords and playing hide and seek in the rhythm of the drums. The movement of my eyes around the contours and across the variations in a work of art is a sacred dance unveiling the cosmos. Each breath proof of a miracle. Touching pen to paper is exploring myself just as touching my feet to the ground allows me to explore myself, for everything inward and everything outward are all one.